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Camp Address Labels

Viewing 24 of 70 items.


Addressing Type

Baseball Return Address Labels in a Jar

Blue Tent Round Address Labels

Cool Type Return Address Labels in a Jar

Popsicles Return Address Labels in a Jar

Flip Flops Return Address Labels in a Jar

Pink Tent Round Address Labels

Blue Madras Return Address Labels

Hugs and Kisses Return Address Labels

Peace & Hearts Return Address Labels in a Jar

Rainbow Hearts Return Address Labels in a Jar

Basketball and Soccer Return Address Labels in a Jar

Hockey Return Address Labels in a Jar

Sorbet Stripes Return Address Labels in a Jar

Burnett Return Address Labels

Cupcakes Return Address Labels in a Jar

Alligator Return Address Labels

Ice Cream Cones Return Address Labels in a Jar

Navy and Red Madras Plaid Return Address Labels

Blue Chevron Address Labels in a Jar

Pastel Watercolor Return Address Labels in a Jar

S'Mores Return Address Labels in a Jar

Girls Soccer Return Address Labels in a Jar

Blast Off Round Address Labels

Set Sail Round Address Labels

Product Reviews


I was just what I wanted! Great detail and quality!

— Linda M.
These are great for sending packages and great quality

— Maro D.
Fun mailing label
The classiest mailing labels around. This beats writing addresses on index cards and taping them on a package with clear packing tape. That said, I would have deleted the 'please handle with care'. It distracts from the nice look of the label.

— Deborah C.
These are great! Easy to read and they look very professional. I only wish that I had bought them sooner.

— Barbara S.
Much smaller than I thought the address would be - was disappointed

— Susan C.
Fresh and unusual
Fresh and unusual is how I would characterize these return address labels.

— Steven A. F.
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