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Anticipated Start of Production:
Estimated Production Time:
4-6 Business Days
Delivery time additional.
About Paper Weight
There are two elements that go into determining Paper Weight:
1) The TYPE of paper stock (ex. BOND, TEXT or COVER)
2) The WEIGHT of paper stock (ex. 60 lb, 130 lb, etc.)
Note, just because an item has a higher weight doesn't mean it's thicker.
Example: 100 lb. Text stock is actually lighter than 80 lb. Cover stock.
Examples of use:
Bond stocks are often used for note pads.
Text stocks are often used for note pads, Post-It® notes, light-weight note cards, and medium-weight note cards.
Cover stocks are often used for medium-weight note cards, heavy-weight note cards, holiday cards, business cards and invitations.
Board stocks are similar to cover stocks except they are available in much heavier weights. At 60 pt., board stock is extremely rigid and thick, similar to the cover of a harcover book.
lightest | 20 lb. | |||
24 lb. | 60 lb. | |||
28 lb. | 70 lb. | |||
80 lb. | ||||
100 lb. | ||||
65 lb. | 8 pt. | |||
80 lb. | ||||
90 lb. | 10 pt. | |||
96 lb. | ||||
100 lb. | 11 pt. | |||
110 lb. | ||||
115 lb. | ||||
heavy | 120 lb. | 15 pt. | ||
130 lb. | ||||
140 lb. | ||||
60 pt. | ||||
200 lb. | ||||
220 lb. | ||||
heaviest | 260 lb. |
To compare paper stocks, view the TYPE and the WEIGHT.
You can see the lightest weight stocks fall under the BOND column and the heaviest weight stocks fall under the COVER column.
Further information for paper enthusiasts
So, why isn't 80 lb. Text the same weight as 80 lb. Cover?
While the weight in pounds for most paper types is based on the total weight of 500 sheets, the dimensions of each individual sheet may vary for different TYPES of paper stock.
For example, Text stock is weighed based upon 25" x 38" sheets, while Cover stock is weighed based upon 20" x 26" sheets.
Due to manufacturing differences in paper, not all papers of the same type and weight will feel the same.
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Product Description
A modern and trendy set of notepads with a total of 700 sheets. Set of 7 notepads each with 100 sheets per notepad. The sizes include: 2 pads that are 3.25" x 5", 2 pads that are 3.25" x 6", 2 pads that are 4" x 6" and 1 pad that is 5" x 8". Flat printed in your choice of ink color and stock color. Typestyle and positioning only as shown. Optional acrylic holder available.
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Product Preview
The preview shows approximately what your item will look like. Content will be printed exactly as it appears on this layout*. Please carefully review spelling, typestyle, design and/or color choices.
Note: The color on your proof may not exactly match the color of your final printed piece due to differences in monitors
* Minor spacing adjustments may be made at the factory's discretion for best print quality.
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We'll notify you once this item becomes available.Why did you choose this?
“I love how fun they all look”
“Pink is my granddaughter Grace’s favorite color”
— Ranny F.
“Such a cute gift for a sweet friend! I know she will love some pink and personalized! :)”
— Kristen H.
“Simple design, Liked the notebooks that came with this set”
— Kate C.
“Simple design”
— Alex H.
“Incredible and beautiful quality”
— Soraya L.
Why did you choose this?
“I love how fun they all look”
“Pink is my granddaughter Grace’s favorite color”
— Ranny F.
“Such a cute gift for a sweet friend! I know she will love some pink and personalized! :)”
— Kristen H.
“Simple design, Liked the notebooks that came with this set”
— Kate C.
“Simple design”
— Alex H.
“Incredible and beautiful quality”
— Soraya L.
— Caleb R.
— Carol D.
“Builder, needs to leave notes for clients and vendors”
— Penny H.
“Have ordered these in the past, high quality and great price!”
— Joan W.
“Great way to communicate with friends and clients.”
— Sara F.
“perfect for the Lake House!”
— Linda S.
“1st Anniversary Gift - paper”
— Laurie D.
“Active military member ordering”
— Myriam S.
“I like the style, the number of different notepads in this set, and the price.”
— Doris S.
“christmas gift”
— mindy d.
“Christmas Gift”
— William S.
“The different sizes of the pads and the font.”
— Lori B.
“To write things”
— James S.
“Wonderful product, easy ordering and customer friendly!”
— Joan W.
“This is a great price for a set of personalized notepads.”
— Betty A.
“Very handsome and attractive for a guy.....!:)”
— Lisa R.
— Diane R.