Four Block in Your Color Photo Napkins
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Product Description
What a wonderful way to personalize your napkins! These quality photo napkins will be a perfect personal touch for your next party celebration. This is a set of white 3 ply photo napkins which offers a nice large space for your digitally printed images and imprint. Your choice of napkin size, bottom right block color and typestyle. Personalization will always be printed in color as shown. Positioning only as shown. Napkins will arrive in a box. Orders of 1500+ arrive in sleeves within a carton.
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Product Preview
The preview shows approximately what your item will look like. Content will be printed exactly as it appears on this layout*. Please carefully review spelling, typestyle, design and/or color choices.
Note: The color on your proof may not exactly match the color of your final printed piece due to differences in monitors
* Minor spacing adjustments may be made at the factory's discretion for best print quality.
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We'll notify you once this item becomes available.Photo Napkin Disclaimer
Due to the absorbent nature of napkins, the printed napkin will appear somewhat muted and grainy compare to your virtual proof.


Why did you choose this?
“Easy to navigate through the many options and use of their site! Will be back for future orders!”
— Trent M.
“I loved the 4 block option - 3 photos and a message”
— Becki F.
“perfect cocktail napkins for loved one gift”
— Dianne B.
“Ability to customize w/ photos, color, and words.”
— Chryssa M.
“I like the design and the opportunity to showcase more photos.”
— William G.
“I read the reviews on this site and they were awesome and step by step and showing the end result was so helpful”
— Olubummi O.
Why did you choose this?
“Easy to navigate through the many options and use of their site! Will be back for future orders!”
— Trent M.
“I loved the 4 block option - 3 photos and a message”
— Becki F.
“perfect cocktail napkins for loved one gift”
— Dianne B.
“Ability to customize w/ photos, color, and words.”
— Chryssa M.
“I like the design and the opportunity to showcase more photos.”
— William G.
“I read the reviews on this site and they were awesome and step by step and showing the end result was so helpful”
— Olubummi O.
“bat mitzvah party”
— Dana F.
“Grandson's Graduation”
— Mandi B.
“fun for any party!!”
— Carin C.
“My son passed away in February of a heart attack in his sleep and was not sick. His birthday is coming up November 6th and I am having his brother/wife and friends over so we don't have to be sad. It depicts his funny side, his love for his brother, and my love for him. Thank you for offering it.”
— Paula A.
“East to personalize, lots of layout options, and decent pricing”
— Emiley T.
“Party welcoming our growing family back to town”
— Lea Anne O.
“60th Birthday Party”
— Ghana W.
“Looks amazing”
— Dee S.
“Looking for a fun napkin for a 40th birthday party and these are so great! Will bring some laughs to our party.”
— Sarah S.
“The design perfectly worked for the event”
— Paula G.
“I picked this because it’s so awesome!”
— Barbara S.
“A friend had ordered this product and it was very cute!”
— Sandra S.
“Retirement luncheon at work”
— Amy U.
“Easy to do and just what I was looking for to capture the moment!”
— mary r.
“The best way to capture an inside joke.”
— Luke H.
“Wanted multiple pictures”
— Debra C.