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Product Description
A modern and trendy set of notepads with a total of 700 sheets. Set of 7 notepads each with 100 sheets per notepad. The sizes include: 2 pads that are 3.25" x 5", 2 pads that are 3.25" x 6", 2 pads that are 4" x 6" and 1 pad that is 5" x 8". Flat printed in ink color of your choice using typestyle as shown. Positioning only as shown. Optional acrylic holder available.

Why did you choose this?
“I chose this for my tax man because its more manly and a suitable gift for someone who has done my taxes for free!”
— Monica M.
“Just right for a contractor”
— Kathleen H Y.
“Love the look and I love the grid lines. I have been ordering for many years. Very happy!”
— Mindy A.
“For the friend who you don't know what to buy for, this is an everyday use all can use and love. Saves time for notes and friends.”
— Debra B.
“personal use”
— Catherine K.
“Birthday gift for brother-in-law”
— CJ K.