Marcus Jotter Cards

$45.95 As Low As $0.32 ea.
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Product Description
Set of 100 jotter cards on double thick stock. Choice of white or ivory stock. Jotter cards are sturdy cards typically used for important ideas. They are ideal for the discriminating professional as the perfect way to jot down an important reminder, memo, note or list. Cards are 3" x 5". Printed in the flat ink color of your choice. Positioning only as shown.
Envelopes are not available for this item.
Sample sown using black and [[typestyle]].

Why did you choose this?
“Very useful for household communication. My mom lives with us. Great for leaving notes for her care givers, for them to write shopping lists for what she needs. Durable stock can get handed from person to person, stuffed in scrubs pocket, etc. Everyone knows these cards are mine so Everyone knows that I, as mom's guardian, wrote it and its "official ".”
— Jennifer V.