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Pineapple Engraved Motif Flat Note Cards

by Bohemia Paper
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Pineapple Engraved Motif Flat Note Cards

$212.50 $250.00 As Low As $3.15 ea.

Paper Weight:
110 lb. Cover 
Est. Arrival Date
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Product Description

Featuring your imprint under a hand engraved Pineapple design, this set of classic European stationery is produced in Prague, CZ by skilled craftsmen. Printed on high-quality natural white paper paper made from eco-friendly eucalyptus fiber, these elegant note cards have a cotton-like feel which is ideal for printing and writing. Size: 5.875" x 4.125". Stationery comes in a beautiful presentation box ready for gift giving. Your personalization will be flat printed in black ink. Typestyle and positioning only as shown. Flat printed return address on envelopes is available. Optional Gold tissue envelope lining is available.  


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Lining as shown on sample

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Return Address will be flat printed on the back flap of the envelopes.

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Pineapple Engraved Motif Flat Note Cards

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