Round Embosser Seals

Backordered Item
Anticipated Start of Production:
Estimated Production Time:
2-3 Business Days
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Product Description
Round stickers are perfect for our round embossers to create a unique seal for many gift and labeling projects! Select from matte gold or matte silver. Set of 96 stickers, 2" in diameter. Presented on sheets.
Embosser not included.
Seals will be presented on sheets. Only intended for Round shaped Embossers.
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* Minor spacing adjustments may be made at the factory's discretion for best print quality.
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We'll notify you once this item becomes available.Why did you choose this?
“Need to be prepared for my holiday home made cookie gift boxes”
— Caroline R.
“These will look good in the books I own.”
— Linda W.
“Daughter getting married”
— Tammy S.
— Darcy J.
“Using these for kitchen goodies.”
— Marie B.
“Needed for embosser”
— Paul E.
“I want to try these seals.”
— Bernadette S.
“I think the seals with the embosser stamp make a letter written with a fountain pen that has your name on the stationary embossed on letter head done by Stationary Studio adds a classy look when imprinted with name, address, looks fabulous with a perfect ink color....”
— James D C.
“Goes with the embosser.”
— Anne T.