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5-6 Business Days
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Product Description
Beautiful high quality personalized 3-ply napkins in your choice of beverage, luncheon or dinner size. Free online preview. Choice of 30+ napkin colors, 40+ imprint colors, and typestyles. Shrink wrapped in sets of 50.
The Golf Club design will always appear on napkins.
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The preview shows approximately what your item will look like. Content will be printed exactly as it appears on this layout*. Please carefully review spelling, typestyle, design and/or color choices.
Note: The color on your proof may not exactly match the color of your final printed piece due to differences in monitors
* Minor spacing adjustments may be made at the factory's discretion for best print quality.
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Golf Clubs Collection
Golf Clubs Collection
Why did you choose this?
“Just what I was looking for to celebrate my husbands birthday.”
— Tracy M.
“classic design”
— Sue G.
“Love this website! Easy to order and shipping is so fast!”
— Gina G.
“For our house”
— Yvonne B.
“Personalized gift for 50th wedding anniversary”
— Jessica W.
— Mary Beth K.
“Ridiculously cute. Easy to order and arrange! Choosing colors, fonts, designs were a snap!”
— Barb C.
“My husband's 30th birthday party.”
— Jacqueline G.
“Surprise Birthday party”
— Amy L.