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Product Description
Set of 400 Post-it® Notes, 4"x3", in your choice of stock color, printed in black ink. Set of 8 pads, 50 sheets per pad, total 400 post-its. Upper/Lowercase typestyle & positioning only as shown. Post-it is a trademark of 3M.
If bullet point (•) is wanted in bottom line personalization, please include in personalization request.

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Upright Collection
Why did you choose this?
“To stop my coworkers from stealing my sticky notes!!!”
— Sheilagh H.
“Gift. Wanted to add acrylic holder but web did not co operate”
— Debbie L.
“Something for my son to attach to note papers.”
— Gretchen K.
“Gift for partner... an "in" joke!”
— Erica M.
— Margaret F.
“I liked it could fit my whole name on the note. And the design fits a work environment”
“Loved the simplicity! Easy to order”
— Laura F.
“Love the color and ability to include 2 lines of text”
— Karenina W.
Product Reviews (2)
Product: Grid 4x3 Post-it® Notes
Phyllis K.
Terrific gift
Product: Border 4x3 Post-it® Notes
I've been buying these personalized Post-It notes, along with the acrylic holder, for college graduation gifts for a few years - they make a great gift! Not many kids that age have personalized items, and these are handy for whatever line of work they go in to.
Lisa T.